Our mission is to provide a safe space for veterans to share their experiences with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) while offering valuable resources to those in crisis.
— Priscilla M. Hall (Founder and U.S. Veteran)
OpDD identified that the number of suicides represented in the eight states (18% of US veterans), are 1.37 times greater than reported by the VA from 2014-2018.

If these eight states collectively represented the national rate, the combined death rate
would be at least 44 Former Service Members per day which is 2.4 times higher than the VA suicide rate.
— OPERATION DEEP DIVE™ SUMMARY OF INTERIM REPORT :https://e55c5558-502f-457d-8a07-a49806f5ff14.usrfiles.com/ugd/e55c55_3e4c6bae16a945bbb8dbfa36739af2df.pdf

I asked for help, but I got more meds.

I asked for help, but I got more meds.

I was told, I'll get over it.

I was told, I'll get over it.

I was told drinking excessively was normal

I was told drinking excessively was normal